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NEONNOW - New Realease Version 3.18
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NEONNOW - New Realease Version 3.18

Our latest release, 3.18, is mostly admin-oriented, with additional contact centre customisation for modules, CRM integration, better support for our Concierge product and security enhancements.

NEONNOW - New Realease Version 3.18
Alex Gurr
February 26, 2024

Release 3.18

Our latest release, 3.18, is mostly admin-oriented, with additional contact centre customisation for modules, CRM integration, better support for our Concierge product and security enhancements.

We have rebuilt our help documentation, with changes making their way into NEONNOW and Admin. Old help content links will continue to work for now, however, there will be a subsequent release to decommission the old help website.

We've also got a handful of NEONNOW fixes and improvements, including an improved agent experience when customers disconnect from 3-way conference calls.

1.1 New Help Documentation

We've rebuilt our help documentation from the ground up! It's quicker and easier to use. You can find them at We'll continue to have the old help site up and running for a while, but we'll be bringing it offline in the not-too-distant future.

What are some of the key changes?

  • Any previous links you may have bookmarked or referred back to will no longer work. The new docs use brand-new URLs
  • The way you search the docs has changed. There's more information about what matched your search query in the results
  • The URL has changed to the above. will work for now, but we'll be bringing it offline
  • We've reorganised the docs. We now have clearer sections and better categorisation
  • A new FAQ section (Not available in the first release)
  • Most of the screenshots have been updated and/or improved
  • New, specific content for softphone
  • Our docs homepage no longer has links to categories. Instead, once you've selected admin or agent, you'll find the categories and pages in the left navigation bar


1.2.1 Help Links

  • All help links across NEONOW have changed to go to the new help docs (see 1.1 above)
  • We have removed page-specific help links from the header bar. Instead, the help icon will always go to

1.2.2 General Improvements and Enhancements

Custom Reports

If you are a contact centre admin with Insights > Custom Reports enabled, you'll see a pencil/paintbrush icon.

Custom report

Reports navigation options in NEONNOW desktop.

In 3.17 and below, this would show a custom reports landing page, with a link to view & manage insights reports. In 3.18, this navigation option now takes you directly to the same link -- the page that used to be shown has been removed. This makes it quicker to manage your custom reports.


We've overhauled and made big improvements to calls that used to be conferences, i.e. when a customer or transferee disconnects from a conference call. Previously, when a customer disconnected, you would see yourself in a call, but various buttons would be hidden or you'd get unexpected behaviour

When the customer disconnects from the conference:

  • We show all previous call actions, but disable and mark the ones that can't be used (instead of hiding)
  • Dialpad operations will now correctly display information or prevent you from transferring, instead of the previous behaviour of showing a generic error notification

When the transferee disconnects from the conference:

  • Will now act correctly like a call, with all actions available, including transferring

Dialpad & Outbound Calls

If an inbound call lands while the dialpad is open, we'll now prevent you from making an outbound call until the task is handled. This improves on previous behaviour where you'd see the call dialling, but then receive an error notification.

Dialpad & Outbound calls

Dialpad UI when an incoming call is received while the dialpad is open.

We've also improved the general reliability of making outbound calls when already in an interaction.

1.2.3 Fixes

  • When you have an incoming task, all areas of NEONNOW remain clickable
  • Directory contact notes will now correctly display empty lines
  • Footer actions in the email editor will now display as intended
  • General fixes and improvements for customer profiles

1.3 Admin

1.3.1 Module Management

NEONNOW has had module support for a while, with the ability for CloudWave to add landing pages, embedded pages and widgets to your contact centre. With this release we're giving more control to contact centre admins, giving them the ability to add their custom modules through the admin app.

You can add three different types of modules, each displaying content in a different way in NEONNOW:

  1. Landing Page Modules: Pages with graphics, text and a link, accessed from the contact centre sidebar.
  2. Widget Modules: Content displayed in the floating widgets panel, accessible at any time.
  3. Page Modules: A full page with embedded content, accessed from the contact centre sidebar.

You can find modules under your contact centre > Customise > Customisation > Modules.

Module management

The Admin modules list page.

1.3.2 CRM Adapter Configuration

We've added a new page under Integrations for your contact centre, CRMs. Admins can now add links to their own CRM adapters for SalesForce, Microsoft Dynamics and ServiceNow, giving the ability to set up NEONNOW integration into a company CRM.

Amazon Connect customer profiles configuration has been moved to this page.

CRM adapapter configuration

The CRM configuration page.

1.3.3 Concierge

Concierge is a product that we offer that provides automation to delight both agents and customers. For the first time since launch, we now offer direct integration with your contact centre billing, when billed through AWS marketplace. You'll be able to create a new Concierge organisation directly through admin and billing will happen automatically with no further configuration.

If you have previously been set up with Concierge, this feature will not be enabled for you in Admin and you have no need to enable this as billing will already be configured.

You'll find the new Concierge feature section in your contact centre > Customise > Features > Concierge.


The welcome to Concierge modal window after Concierge has been enabled.

1.3.4 General Improvements and Enhancements

  • A number of security improvements
  • Updated help links to the new help documentation
  • An updated support link, to our new support portal. Ensure your bookmarks are updated, old links will no longer work
  • We have simplified the way we set up customer profiles, meaning new contact centres are created faster
  • Added Learn More links to features in the contact centre > Customise > Features page

1.3.5 Fixes

  • Text colour of Archived status on contact centres
  • Added breadcrumbs on the Operational Parameters configuration page when there are no operational parameters created
  • You no longer have to click outside of input boxes before you can click Save in some places, such as Point of Contact in Organisation

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NEONNOW - New Realease Version 3.18
Alex Gurr

I'm a passionate, focused and driven hands-on technical leader & full stack JavaScript/Typescript developer, with a strong focus on excellent code design, quality and stability. I am honest, reliable, have good communication skills and always bring as much energy and enthusiasm as I can into the working environment. I have led a wide selection of projects/team members and am well-versed with agile development practices and solution design/architecture. Heavy focus on React/GraphQL/Node/AWS but have experience with a multitude of others, client side, backend and infrastructure-related.