Call Barging

Supervisory feature allowing managers to join ongoing calls between agents and customers to provide assistance or guidance.


What is Call Barging

Call Barging is a supervisory feature that enables managers to join ongoing calls between agents and customers to provide assistance or guidance.


Benefits and Features

1. Immediate Support: Managers can offer real-time assistance to agents during challenging or complex interactions. 2. Quality Assurance: Enables supervisors to monitor calls and ensure compliance with standards and guidelines. 3. Performance Improvement: Supports coaching and training efforts to enhance agent skills and performance.


Challenges and Considerations

1. Agent Autonomy: Agents may feel micromanaged or lose confidence if call barging is overused or perceived as intrusive. 2. Trust Issues: Agents may become apprehensive about being monitored, affecting morale and motivation. 3. Call Flow Disruption: Managers must intervene tactfully to avoid disrupting the natural flow of the conversation between agents and customers.