Speech Analytics

Technology that analyzes spoken language in recorded calls to extract insights and identify patterns, sentiments, and keywords for quality assurance and business intelligence purposes.


What is Speech Analytics

Speech Analytics is technology that analyzes spoken language in recorded calls to extract insights and identify patterns, sentiments, and keywords for quality assurance and business intelligence purposes.


Benefits and Features

1. Insights Generation: Provides valuable insights into customer behavior, preferences, and sentiment. 2. Quality Assurance: Enables monitoring and evaluation of agent interactions to ensure compliance and service quality. 3. Performance Improvement: Identifies training needs and areas for improvement to enhance agent skills and performance.


Challenges and Considerations

1. Accuracy: Accuracy of speech-to-text transcription and sentiment analysis may vary depending on speech clarity and background noise. 2. Data Privacy: Must adhere to data privacy regulations and ensure sensitive information is handled securely. 3. Resource Intensive: Requires dedicated resources for data processing and analysis, including storage and computational resources.