Call Whispering

Supervisory feature allowing managers to listen in on live calls between agents and customers without the knowledge of either party.


What is Call Whispering

Call Whispering is a supervisory feature that enables managers to listen in on live calls between agents and customers without the knowledge of either party.


Benefits and Features

1. Real-time Coaching: Allows managers to provide immediate feedback and guidance to agents during calls. 2. Performance Improvement: Helps enhance agent performance and customer satisfaction through timely interventions. 3. Quality Assurance: Ensures adherence to standards and compliance with policies.


Challenges and Considerations

1. Privacy Concerns: Requires careful handling to ensure the privacy and confidentiality of both agents and customers. 2. Manager Training: Managers need training to effectively utilize call whispering for coaching purposes. 3. Misuse Risk: May be misused if not implemented and monitored properly, leading to trust issues among agents.